The SMARTFREEZSIM® is a simulation platform for various freezing and thawing processes in bags, bottles, and vials used in bioprocessing. It helps to understand how different parameters affect local temperature and composition inside the containers. Complex variables can be displayed in histograms as an augmented digital twin of your process. With SMARTFREEZSIM® platform, you can anticipate any hurdles and develop methods for your formulations. The digital twin's simulations are validated with experimental data, making them falsifiable.

Time within the ice and above glass transition temperature (Stress-Time) and cryoconcentration (C/C0) in a 5L bottle.

Ice crust formation when freezing bottles. (This can be attenuated with our systems)

Temperature and concentration distribution in a 5 mL lyophilization vial.

Cryoconcentration in bags frozen in different systems